RSS Control is a simple plugin which allows you to control several aspects of your RSS feeds through the Feed URL. These work on all feed types including the main feed, category feeds, tag feeds, etc. Below is a list of options that are supported.
This can be either a single category ID or a string of category ids that are separated by commas. You can find out more at https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/classes/wp_query/#category-parametersExample:
The use of the NEGATIVE in front of the category ID says DO NOT INCLUDE posts from category 3
This is an array of category IDs that you do NOT want to show in your feed. You can find out more at https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/classes/wp_query/#category-parametersExample:
Display posts that do not have any of the category ids 3 and 10
This can be either a single tag ID or a string of tag ids that are separated by commas. You can find out more at https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/classes/wp_query/#tag-parametersExample:
The use of the NEGATIVE infront of the tag ID says DO NOT INCLUDE posts from tag 3
This is an array of tags IDs that you do NOT want to show in your feed. You can find out more at https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/classes/wp_query/#tag-parametersExample
Display posts that do not have any of the two tag ids 3 and 10
This is a number which you want to offset the feed by. You can find out more at https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/classes/wp_query/#pagination-parametersExample
This will skip the 3 latest posts and start the feed with post 4
This allows you to have your RSS feed so posts from past X number of days in the past.Example
This will display the posts from the last 7 days in a feed.
This allows you to display the featured image in the content of the RSS feed.Example
This will display featured image in the content of the RSS feed. The default image size is 696×385
This allows you to set the image width for the featured imageExample
This will set the inline style of the image to have width: 300px;
This allows you to set the image height for the featured imageExample:
This will set the inline style of the image to have height: 300px;
This allows you to set the image size unit for the featured image. i.e. px, em, %, fr, etcExample
This will set the inline style of the image to have a width of 100%
This allows you to set any additional image inline styles as you would like. These come before the width & height.Example:
https://yourdomain.com/feed/?show_images=true&image_styles=border:4px; border-color:#000; float:left;
This will set the inline style of the image to have a a black border of 4px and floating the image to the left. 5/5
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Plugin Details
- Version2.0.6
- Updated11/18/2020
- Released9/23/2019
Tested Up To
- WordPress5.5
- WordPress4.8+
- PHP7.0+